Sunday, May 8, 2011

Karrie-The Making Of A Fraud Attorney

Meet Karrie, AKA owner of the MAKING OF A FRAUD ATTORNEY.......ALSO, part of the ROOMIE clan.........

Now as I recall, she and her side kick friend who used to hang out in the Cops N Firemen room would blog endlessly on Sydney....chasing a ghost...of course....

Well after looking at who they say is the REAL SYDNEY..........I don't see anything wrong with her.
She isn't FAT (Karrie isn't thin..........)
She has gorgeous teeth (unlike Karrie)
And gorgeous Eyes.................( um, unlike Karrie )

SO..........why the jealousy? Wait, that was a very stupid question. It's Karrie and her HOMIES............
Obsessed a tad bit much cunt?

I dropped our friendship Karrie due to your backstabbing.
I wouldn't even hang out with you at Police Week in 2007.
Me scared of you? I almost had to grab an inhaler due to laughing so hard, I couldn't breath......

You sad pathetic little troll.
Did you ever put your mom in that nursing home?

How's Bri you really want to go there? I can easily find him and tell him the truth about your whoring ways, while he was away in another country, defending this great nation.

Who's the one who drove your ass to the bars every Saturday night?

Is your number still 703-619-1186?

Hey, remember those visitors to your new house awhile back....have they been around anymore?

More pics to come of Karrie.........without her covering her droopy eye.....
